Warwick Lifesaving is a club like no other, our relatively small membership means we all know each other very well – an inevitable result with weekly training sessions and numerous socials! We were founded in 2002 with the creation on BULSCA, and since then have had many people become part of the club with success in all departments! Although this makes for close friendships, we are always incredibly welcoming towards freshers and students of any year alike who would like to join our friendly and diverse group and try out lifesaving – everyone is always so keen to explain what we do and teach you what’s going on that you’ll be inundated with friendly faces to offer advice and guidance if needed!
During Welcome Week we've got plenty of exciting events for you to come and find out about our club and what we do. Feel free to come to as few or as many things as you like!
N.B.: You don't need to be booked on with the Welcome Week timetable to come along to these.
You can also fill in this 2024-25 Interest Form here to receive emails so you stay updated with our events and taster sessions!
The first two weeks of training are all taster sessions so you won't need to buy a membership to come along and have a go! We have plenty of sessions both in and out of the pool - feel free to come along to any one session or all seven! Times and locations are listed below:
Meet us on poolside for the Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday taster sessions - you won't need any special equipment, just wear a swimming costume and goggles!
The only thing you will need to do to come to our taster sessions is to book onto them through Warwick Sport:
Please note that we have a finite number of places available so please only book onto a session if you're actually going to turn up to prevent others from missing out! Booking can be done up to 7 days in advance and cancelled anytime. Message us on Instagram if you need any help with booking!
Can I still join after Tasters finish?
Of course! We would love to share our love of lifesaving with anyone. From Week 3 onwards, we have four sessions per week, but we understand how busy university life is so attendance to all sessions is definitely not compulsory! Feel free to join us whenever you can make it for any session (or half session!). Our training times and locations are the same as for tasters and are listed below:
Click here for more details of what we get up to in each session!
You need to get our membership plus the On-campus Pass and SU Federation Fee but this is one up-front payment which lasts for the whole year - an amazing deal for 8 hours of training each week in all three terms! If you've already bought the On-campus Pass and Federation Fee for another club, then you don't need to buy these again, and you'll just need to get our £6 membership! See the bottom of our SU page for more details.
But what about getting my qualifications?
We run courses throughout the year which look great on your CV, including the Emergency First Aid at Work Qualification and the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) - the prerequisite to a part-time campus (or elsewhere) job as a lifeguard. We will be running an NPLQ course if we receive interest, this will be open to everyone but spaces will be prioritised to our club members, who will also receive a hefty discount! If you are interested in the NPLQ, please express your interest here to receive more information.
You can also visit our website for more info and to find sign-up links to receive updates about our courses.
And what about socials?
Even though all of our sessions are super fun and enjoyable, we also do a lot of fun things away from training! Warwick Lifesaving is one of the best clubs in BULSCA for socials as we have one of the most jam-packed calendars all throughout all three terms, with events both sober and not, catering to all of our members! Some things that we have coming up in Term 1 include:
You don't have to come to everything but it's always the more the merrier! Check out the full Term 1 calendar on our website here.
I'm keen, what can I do right now?
We are really looking forward to meeting you, see you soon!
Linktree: warwickuniversitylifesaving
Facebook: warwickuniversitylifesaving
Instagram: warwickuniversitylifesaving
Email: [email protected]