British Universities Lifesaving Clubs' Association



If you've got a question or enquiry then someone at BULSCA will be happy to help. Have a quick glance at the options below and send of your questions. If you're unsure where to send it then the Chair is alway the best bet!


The Chair is responsible for overseeing the organisation of BULSCA and is the point of contact for external organisations such as the RLSS UK and SLS GB. The Chair can be contacted at [email protected]


The Secretary is responsible for maintaining and updating the list of minutes for BULSCA GM, AGM and committee meetings. They are also the point of contact if a complaint is made to BULSCA. The Secretary can be contacted at [email protected]


The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing the financial management of BULSCA and is the point of contact for claim forms and sponsorship inquiries. The Treasurer can be contacted at [email protected]

Development Officer

The Development Officer is integral in assisting new and existing clubs to develop their members. The Development Officer is also responsible for organising Judges courses and development workshops for all clubs throughout the year. The Development Officer can be contacted at [email protected]

Recruitment Officer

The Recruitment Officer is the point of contact for anyone who is interested in setting up a new University Lifesaving Club. They are available for help and support in all areas both with club start up and in the early stages of their development. The Chair can be contacted at [email protected]

Data Manager

The Data Manager is responsible for updating the website (this cool site you're looking at now!) and associated pages with regards to rules and regulations relating to BULSCA competitions. The Data Manager also maintains the scoring and results of competitions run as part of the annual BULSCA League. The Data Manager can be contacted at [email protected]

Championships Coordinator

The Championships Coordinator is responsible for organising the annual BULSCA Student Championships. The Chair can be contacted at [email protected]

Communication Officer (Social Media)

The Communication Officer is responsible for managing the content of the website. They are also responsible for distributing information to the members of BULSCA regarding competitions, events, volunteering opportunities or other such matters. The Communication Officer can be contacted at [email protected]

Welfare Officer

The Welfare Officer is appointed each year by the BULSCA Committee and is responsible for handling any concerns regarding young people or vulnerable adults within BULSCA. The Welfare Officer can be contacted at [email protected]


The league email forwards to the Chair, Secretary and Data Manager and is for league related matters. The League email can be contacted at [email protected]

Judges Panel

The Judges Panel is responsible for moderating SERCs and competition details among other duties. The Judges Panel can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected]


You wont get much out of no-reply. They've been seen only a few times. Some say that they occasionally have tea with the Bob's.

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