British Universities Lifesaving Clubs' Association

Inclusion and Accessibility

Inclusion and Accessibility

In line with the BULSCA inclusion policy, we have a duty to make reasonable adjustments for participants with a disability or long-term health condition (as defined under the 2010 Equality Act).

Adjustments are assessed against the extent to which they remove a barrier to accessing the sport and do not exist to provide a competitive advantage. Decisions on adjustments are made in conjunction with the participant, the welfare officer and the judging panel to ensure they are effective.

The adjustment process is outlined in the document below. If you have any further questions or access requests please email [email protected].

Example Adjustments

  • Outer lane allocation for easy access out/in the water
  • Visual cues for starting races
  • Large print available for the printed SERC brief
  • Provisions for quieter spaces away from poolside

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