British Universities Lifesaving Clubs' Association


News 📰

New SERC Packs

Updated on 21/01/2025 by BULSCA 270

We have now moved over all SERC Packs to the new SERC Pack system that can be found here You can now search sercs via a number of methods such as: # casualties, authors, year, locations and even a ever increasing number of tags. You can then download all the associated documents for that serc and share them as required. We hope you enjoy this new functionality and also the number of new SERCs spanning all the way back to 2014. If you have any SERCs lying around we'd love to add them! Please email them to [email protected]

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BULSCA GM 2023-24

Updated on 22/01/2025 by BULSCA 470

The BULSCA mid-season GM will be held on 3rd Feb before Warwick comp. Please arrive for 9:45 in the Faculty of Arts building, room 2.43 (second floor). The What3Words for the building is The agenda for the meeting is available under resources > meetings.

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Switching to the new Scorer

Updated on 21/01/2025 by BULSCA 620

As of the 2023/24 season all league competitions will now be scored using the online scorer . This new scorer combines hundreds of hours of time and effort and the amazing competition hosts from Warwick, Southampton and Bristol for trailing it. This new and improved scorer follows the same scoring system but provides a whole host of additional benefits and quality of life changes: Faster team entry Simpler score entry Faster score calculation More accurate score calculation (to over 20 decimal places) Easier SERC and Speed entry and editing Online result viewing Automatic heat and SERC order generation And more…...

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Manual Update & GM Minutes

Updated on 22/01/2025 by BULSCA 1.9k

The BULSCA Manuals have been updated for the 2023 season, aswell as the 2023 GM minutes being uploaded and available here . We'd also like to congratulate Glafki Schellekens for being elected as our new Secretary, and will now say goodbye to Michael Kirkham as he braves his way into fatherhood. Competition Manual Click to download Competition Events Click to download Disqualifications and Penalties Click to download Competition Forms Click to download

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Updated on 22/01/2025 by BULSCA 1.3k

At Warwick Comp we will be testing a new scoring system alongside the current spreadsheet. If you'd like to have a look at this you can have nose around the Brum 2022 results which have been copied in here. If you can your feedback would be really great! You can click one of the feedback links on the scorer or, alternatively use this form. Thanks, Data Manager

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Reintroduction of CPR Breaths

Updated on 19/01/2025 by BULSCA 1.0k

Please see the below announcement from the BULSCA Committee and Judges Panel regarding rescue breaths during CPR: “BULSCA Competitions will be returning to giving breaths to manikins as per pre-COVID. Clubs should plan appropriately for this and discuss any issues with the BULSCA Committee. Please see attached guidance on wipes from the RLSS.” BULSCA Competitions will be adopting level 4 according to the attached guidance (thoroughly cleaning manikins), without the requirement for extra infant lungs. Host clubs will not be expected to provide extra manikins or lungs for each team due to practicality.

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Welcome to the new site!

Updated on 22/01/2025 by BULSCA 877

Hi! We hope you like the new site and enjoy using it. Hopefully its a much nicer feel compared to the old one. This has been several months in the making, but its still possible that something aren't quite right! If you spot anything then please email it to [email protected] and they'll be sure to get it sorted! Make sure to have a look around, see what you can find. And for those interested, try and break it! Thanks The BULSCA Committee

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